
We believe the Chesapeake is a national treasure that should be healthy, 每个人都可以访问, and a watershed where people and wildlife thrive.

We work to influence environmental policy in social, 经济, political and 文化 areas that will protect water quality, wildlife and our community’s way of life.

Sediment and nutrient pollution, 发展, 基础设施发展, climate change and limited public access threaten the unique ecological, 风景优美的, 休闲, and 文化 resources of the Chesapeake.

The 十大赌博正规老平台 works closely with individuals, 社区, 组织, state and federal agencies to protect our unique natural and 文化 assets. Specifically, we advocate for the following programs and initiatives:

Land and Water Conservation Fund

土地和水资源保护基金(LWCF)是美国保护不可替代土地和改善全国户外娱乐机会的最重要的项目. The program works in partnership with federal, state and local efforts to protect land in our national 公园, 国家野生动物保护区, 国家森林, 国家落后, and other public lands; to preserve working 森林 and ranchlands; to support state and local 公园 and 操场; to preserve battlefields and other historic and 文化 sites; and to provide the tools that 社区 need to meet their diverse 保护 and recreation needs.

我们是…的成员 Land and Water Conservation Fund Coalition and advocate for annual funding for this important program and for our region.

Chesapeake Gateways and Watertrails Network

该计划使切萨皮克湾国家公园管理局(NPS)办事处能够为整个流域社区的360多个项目提供大约2200万美元的财政和技术援助, improving Bay access and fueling our thriving outdoor recreation economy.


十大赌博正规老平台协会支持的工作超出了国家公园管理局自己的能力范围, including: improving public access, 支持土地保育, conducting 文化 research and environmental analysis, 并提供丰富游客体验的外展服务,为切萨皮克湾流域创造一个可持续的未来.


自1983年以来,切萨皮克湾项目一直领导和指导切萨皮克湾的恢复工作. Bay Program partners include federal and state agencies, 地方政府, non-profit 组织 and academic institutions. Staff members work at our offices in Annapolis, Maryland, and at partner 组织 throughout the watershed.

我们是值得骄傲的合作伙伴 切萨皮克湾项目 and advocate for the authorization and appropriations for this important program.

United for a Chesapeake National Recreation Area

与我们的合作伙伴一起, we are leading “United for a Chesapeake National Recreation Area,” a coalition advocating to create national park status in the Chesapeake. 这个21世纪的公园是切萨皮克湾的一个公园集合,它引起了国内和国际对海湾重要自然资源的关注, 文化, 历史, 娱乐资源. Formally connected through partnerships between the National Park Service, 社区和国家, 这些公园将成为 Chesapeake National Recreation Area (CNRA),并讲述了一个关于美国最大的河口和世界上最大的环境恢复努力之一的共同故事.


项目休憩用地 is Maryland’s leading land preservation program.  In 1969, Maryland州议会通过0的转让税制度创造了项目开放空间.5 percent on every real estate transaction in the state. Thus began the remarkable history of protecting land, 并建造了公园和游乐场,使这个州成为一个有吸引力的居住地, 工作和娱乐.

项目休憩用地 funds the acquisition and 发展 of state and local 公园, the preservation of unique 自然区域 that harbor rare and endangered species, 保护农田和保护当地已确定的资源土地(农场), 森林, historic/文化) with 保护 easements.

这笔收入旨在跟上不断上涨的土地成本和发展速度,以及空地和农田的流失. 也, by partnering with non-profit 组织 and public agencies, POS leverages resources and increases efficiency, accomplishing more for Maryland taxpayers with less.

十大赌博正规老平台协会在Maryland州立法机构倡导为这一重要项目提供全额资金,并且是该协会的成员 休憩用地合作伙伴.

Virginia Land Preservation Tax Credit

弗吉尼亚联邦为土地保护创造了强有力的激励机制, a transferable credit to pay state income tax.  这是一种有效的, 自愿的, 自由市场机制已被证明大大增加了保护地役权的十大赌博正规老平台, 保护景观的完整性并使切萨皮克湾流域受益.

In 1999, 弗吉尼亚州议会通过了《十大赌博正规老平台》,为保护维吉尼亚州的自然保护价值而十大赌博正规老平台土地或地役权的业主,将获得该州所得税的抵免. 最初的税收抵免是该州符合条件的保护十大赌博正规老平台价值的50%.

今天, 弗吉尼亚州允许对十大赌博正规老平台土地或保护地役权价值的40%进行所得税抵免. 到2020年,纳税人每年最多可以使用2万美元,在随后的纳税年度每年可以使用5万美元. Tax credits may be carried forward for up to 13 years. 未使用的积分可以出售, 允许很少或没有弗吉尼亚州所得税负担的个人利用这一福利.

The 十大赌博正规老平台 advocates for the maintenance of this important program, 它保护了弗吉尼亚数十万英亩的土地不受开发, 它是 弗吉尼亚自然保护网络.

Pennsylvania Keystone Recreation, 公园及自然保育基金

In 1993, 宾夕法尼亚州议会和公众建立了Keystone Recreation, 公园及自然保育基金. The Keystone Fund and its dedicated funding source, a 15% share of the state’s realty transfer tax, 建立一个专门和永久的资金来源,用于娱乐投资, 公园, 保护, 库, 历史保护, 和教育.

The Keystone Fund has helped protect 161,000+ acres of green space for county and municipal 公园, 绿色廊道, 野生动物栖息地, 以及其他开放空间的使用.  This also funds thousands of community park 发展 projects, 包括ballfields, 操场, 池, 野餐区, and recreation centers and trail projects for walking, 骑自行车, 以及其他娱乐用途.

We advocate for the full funding of the Keystone Fund.


Delaware’s Open Space Program coordinates the acquisition of 公园, 开放空间, 自然区域, 森林, 野生动物栖息地, 绿色廊道, 以及通往水路的通道. 这些管理区域包括特拉华州多种多样的自然和文化遗产的一些最好的例子.

1990年,随着《十大赌博正规老平台》的通过,特拉华州获得开放空间土地和保护地役权的过程被编纂成法典.  DNREC的土地保护办公室通过确定具有高生态价值的地区来实施这项法律,并通过与希望保护其财产不受开发和永久保护的土地所有者合作来保护这些地区. Since the law was passed in 1990, 在57,000 acres of the Delaware landscape has been protected from 发展.



横跨詹姆斯河的500千伏输电线路悬挂在一系列塔上, some about 300 feet tall that are visible from Jamestown Island, America’s first permanent English settlement.

十大赌博正规老平台 joined the National Trust in declaring the river endangered, 他指出,詹姆斯河被许多人认为是我们国家的开国之河,也是约翰·史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道的锚.


私人十大赌博正规老平台者, 十大赌博正规老平台协会和NFWF帮助将465英亩的祖传家园归还给拉帕汉诺克部落. However, nearby land along 丰悬崖 remains unprotected and vulnerable.


图片来源:Don Shomette

锦葵湾 – Potomac River is home to the “Ghost Fleet,“几年前在哪里?, 紧急舰队公司在1917年至1919年间建造的船只一旦不再需要就会被击沉. It is an amazing place to kayak that is steeped in our nation’s history, 繁荣的生态栖息地, and is just a short drive from the capital of the United States.

自2015年以来, 十大赌博正规老平台协会一直致力于将马洛湾-波托马克河指定为切萨皮克的第一个国家海洋保护区.